
Prof Alessandro ROMAGNOLI
Principal Investigator
Alessandro gained a First Degree cum laude in Mechanical Engineering in 2003 from the “University of Ancona” in Italy, after which he worked for two years at Lucci Collettori Spa (Ancona, Italy) where he supervised the design and production of commutators for electric motors.
In 2006 he worked for six months at Seagate Technology Inc. and he then began a PhD at Imperial College London in the Thermo-Fluids Division focusing on aerodynamic study of single and twin-entry mixed flow turbines under unsteady conditions. As a part of his research, he also studied heat transfer effects occurring in turbochargers.
After completing his PhD in 2010, Alessandro worked as Research Associate at Imperial College London. He acted as research co-investigator in projects looking at engine downsizing, waste heat recovery, and mild-hybridisation of powertrain technology in passenger vehicles as well as in optimisation and design of novel turbine concepts. He collaborates extensively with world leading OEMs in powertrain R&D (Jaguar and Land Rover, Lotus, Ford, CAT, MHI, Honda, ABB, etc.)
In 2013, he joined Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor. His responsibilities include teaching undergraduate courses, running lab tutorials, supervising PhD students and FYPs.
Alessandro’s research activity in NTU encompasses several aspects related to propulsion energy efficiency and waste heat recovery and. Examples of his current research include the study of waste heat recovery for ships propulsion (thermo-electric generation), hybrid propulsion systems and mild-hybridization of powertrain, turbomachinery design and optimisation.
Besides his academic activity Alessandro has also worked for three years (2010-2013) as engineering consultant under ICON (Imperial College CONsultant). In 2012, he founded a UK-based engineering consultancy company (RhodoConsultants) offering design, test and advice on energy efficiency, turbomachinery and waste heat recovery systems.
Alessandro also acts as reviewer for several engineering journals (ASME, SAE, IMechE, Elsevier), collaborates as freelancer with the automotive magazine Torque (published in Singapore) and sits in the organising committee of the Singapore International Energy Week.
Singapore - NTU
C4T extended projects
Research Interest
- Waste heat recovery (thermo-electric generation, boosting technology and turbocharging, organic ranking cycles)
- Battery thermal management
- Thermal energy storage
- Propulsion for UAVs
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
D.F. Dominković, K.A. Bin Abdul Rashid, A. Romagnoli, A.S. Pedersen, K.C. Leong, G. Krajačić, N. Duić. (2017). Potential of district cooling in hot and humid climates. Applied Energy, 208, 49 - 61.
N. Terdich, R. F.Martinez-Botas, A. Romagnoli, A. Pesiridis. (2014). Mild hybridization via electrification of the air system: Electrically assisted and variable geometry turbocharging impact on an off-road diesel engine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(3).
Mamat, A.M.I., Romagnoli, A., Martinez-Botas, R.F. (2014). Characterisation of a low pressure turbine for turbocompounding applications in a heavily downsized mild-hybrid gasoline engine. Energy, 64, 3-16.
Cicciotti, M, Martinez-Botas, R.F, Romagnoli, A, Thornhill, N.F.d, Geist, S, Schild, A. (2014). Systematic one zone meanline modelling of centrifugal compressors for industrial online applications. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo.
A. Romagnoli, R. F. Martinez-Botas. (2012). Heat transfer analysis in a turbocharger turbine: an experimental and computational evaluation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 38, 58-77.