Cambridge CARES has two world-class laboratories situated near our office at CREATE. The labs allow our researchers to undertake cutting-edge research and collaboration with other CREATE entities and local research organisations.
The outfitting of the CREATE laboratories was completed and handed over for use by C4T researchers in February 2016. The laboratory provides a state-of-the-art facility for the investigation of clean fuels, the production and testing of nanostructured materials, a pilot room for technology demonstrations and a dry lab with a cleanroom and Faraday room for the assembly and testing of electrochemical devices.
A number of the facilities in the CARES lab are unique or rare in Singapore, and CARES regularly welcomes other Singapore-based researchers to make use of equipment when possible. The CREATE laboratory has been designed with low energy usage and hence low carbon footprint in mind.
Shortly after opening, CREATE was named the “2013 Laboratory of the Year” by US-based R&D Magazine. The CARES labs received the Green Mark Platinum Award from the Singapore Building and Construction Agency in 2017, which acknowledges excellent practice in environmentally responsible laboratory design and management. In 2024, the CARES lab was awarded a further Silver recognition for its sustainability efforts, based on the assessment criteria provided by the LEAF programme.
The pictures below show the facility’s capabilities in our key research areas. If you would like to know more about a particular piece of equipment or our facilities, please get in touch with our Senior Lab Manager Mr Sim Chun Siong (
Combustion and High Temperature Flammable Reactors
Toxicity Chemical Fume Hoods and CO₂ High Temperature Reactors
Laser Assisted Combustion Synthesis and Class-1000 Advanced Microtechnology Clean-Room
Electrochemical Analysis / Synthesis and Biological Chemistry (BSL2)
General Mechanical Workshop
Drone Flight Payload Field Research and Operation