
Dr Sebastian MOSBACH
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Mosbach studied Physics and Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany). He attended the course "Part III of the Mathematical Tripos" in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge. He completed his PhD in the Computational Modelling Group on "Explicit Stochastic and Deterministic Simulation Methods for Combustion Chemistry". He is a College Research Associate of Wolfson College and was awarded a Raymond and Beverly Sackler Research Fellowship at Churchill College.
Read: Sebastian co-authors a paper that receives the Gaydon Award by the British Section of the Combustion Institute in 2019
C4T extended projects
Research Interest
Key Publications
Google Scholar Link
Akroyd, Jethro, Zachary Harper, David Soutar, Feroz Farazi, Amit Bhave, Sebastian Mosbach, and Markus Kraft. 2022. ‘Universal Digital Twin: Land Use’. Data-Centric Engineering 3 (February): e3.
Bai, Jiaru, Liwei Cao, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, Alexei A. Lapkin, and Markus Kraft. 2022. ‘From Platform to Knowledge Graph: Evolution of Laboratory Automation’. JACS Au 2 (2): 292–309.
Savage, Thomas, Jethro Akroyd, Sebastian Mosbach, Michael Hillman, Franziska Sielker, and Markus Kraft. 2022. ‘Universal Digital Twin – the Impact of Heat Pumps on Social Inequality’. Advances in Applied Energy 5 (February): 100079.
Akroyd, Jethro, Sebastian Mosbach, Amit Bhave, and Markus Kraft. 2021. ‘Universal Digital Twin - A Dynamic Knowledge Graph’. Data-Centric Engineering 2 (September): e14.
Atherton, John, Wanni Xie, Leonardus Kevin Aditya, Xiaochi Zhou, Gourab Karmakar, Jethro Akroyd, Sebastian Mosbach, Mei Qi Lim, and Markus Kraft. 2021. ‘How Does a Carbon Tax Affect Britain’s Power Generation Composition?’ Applied Energy 298 (September): 117117.
Zhou, Xiaochi, Daniel Nurkowski, Sebastian Mosbach, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft. 2021. ‘Question Answering System for Chemistry’. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 61 (8): 3868–80.
Yu, Changmin, Marko Seslija, George Brownbridge, Sebastian Mosbach, Markus Kraft, Mohammad Parsi, Mark Davis, Vivian Page, and Amit Bhave. 2020. ‘Deep Kernel Learning Approach to Engine Emissions Modeling’. Data-Centric Engineering 1 (June): e4.
Mosbach, Sebastian, Angiras Menon, Feroz Farazi, Nenad Krdzavac, Xiaochi Zhou, Jethro Akroyd, and Markus Kraft. 2020. ‘Multiscale Cross-Domain Thermochemical Knowledge-Graph’. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60 (12): 6155–66.
Eibeck, Andreas, Arkadiusz Chadzynski, Mei Qi Lim, Kevin Aditya, Laura Ong, Aravind Devanand, Gourab Karmakar, et al. 2020. ‘A Parallel World Framework for Scenario Analysis in Knowledge Graphs’. Data-Centric Engineering 1 (July): e6.
Mosbach, S., Celnik, M. S., Raj, A., Kraft, M., Zhang, H. R., Kubo, S., and Kim, K-O. 2009. 'Towards a detailed soot model for internal combustion engines'. Combustion and Flame 156 (6): 1156-65.