
Boon Linn CHOO

Research Associate

Ms Winlynn Choo Boon Linn joined CLIC Neuroimaging Workgroup on 29th March 2021 as a Research Associate. Winlynn received her Master of Science in Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her master thesis used deep learning algorithms in the decoding of spatial cells to predict locations of input images within the virtual reality town - Donderstown. Winlynn is well-versed in a wide range of computing skills. Her computing expertise has greatly contributed to the implementation of data management systems (e.g., RedCap and NAS) thereby providing immense support in the establishment of CLIC’s data infrastructure for WP0.1 and WP0.2.

Singapore - NTU



Research Interest

Computing skills:
- Python
- Matlab
- C++
- Javascript
- deep learning algorithms

Key Publications
