
Prof David HUNG

Co-Principal Investigator

Professor David Hung is Dean of Education Research and Centre Director of Science of Learning in Education at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is also the President’s Chair in Learning Sciences.

In 2004, Prof Hung initiated the set-up of the Learning Sciences Laboratory. He has been involved in the ICT MasterPlan initiative by the Ministry of Education since its inception in 1997 and has witnessed its evolution over the years in terms of student-centred inquiry learning mediated through technologies. A significant part of the present effort is on translation and the diffusion of educational innovations of which the eduLab funding initiative was pivotal. Prof Hung directed the NIE’s Interactive and Digital Media and eduLab initiatives. More recently, he has extended his interest into AI in education.

Most of Prof Hung’s keynotes are on the interplay between the intersection of policy, learning sciences and the science of learning. To date, he has over 200 publications and is well recognised in the sphere of learning sciences and educational technology communities in recent years.

Singapore - NTU



Research Interest

Prof Hung's research interests are in learning and instructional technologies, constructivism and social constructivism, cognition and communities of practice. In particular, he is interested in the social cultural orientations in the contextual systems of schools in Singapore. Prof Hung has also delved into the Science of Learning in Education. His foundations in learning and the learning sciences has prepared him for his foray into the neuroscience, physiological, and other biological indicators of learning. Prof Hung juxtaposes the science of educational systems with the science of learning.

Key Publications

Google Scholar link

How, M.L., & Hung, W.L.D (2019). Educing AI-Thinking in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Education. Education Sciences, 9(3), 184.

How, M.L., & Hung, W.L.D (2019). Educational Stakeholders' Independent Evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Adaptive Learning System Using Bayesian Network Predictive Simulations. Education Sciences, 9(2), 110.

Hung, D., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & So, H.J. (2017). Innovation Becoming Trajectories: Leveraging Lateral and Vertical Moves for Collaborative Diffusion of 21st Century Learning Practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Education., 37(4), 582-600.

Toh, Y., Hung, D., Chua, P., He, S., & Jamaludin, A. (2016). Pedagogical reforms within a centralized-decentralized system: A Singapore's perspective to diffuse 21st century learning innovations. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(7), pp.1247 - 1267.

Lee, S. S., Hung, D., & Teh, L. W. (2016). An Ecological View of Conceptualising Change in the Singapore Education System. Education Research for Policy and Practice, 15(1), 55-70.

Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., & Toh, Y. (2015). Apprenticeship, Epistemic Learning, and Diffusion of Innovations in Education. Educational Technology, 55(4), 20-26.

Lee, S. S., Hung, D. & Laik Woon Teh (2014). Towards 21st Century Learning: An Analysis of Top Pe rforming Asian Education Systems' Reforms. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 779-781.

Hung, D., Lim, S.S., Lim, Y.T.K. (2012). Sustaining Research Innovations in Educational Technology through Communities of Practice. Educational Technology, 000-000, 999-999.

Jamaludin, A., Kim, M. S., Hung, D. (2012). Unpacking self and socio dialectics within learners' interactive play. Computers & Education, 59(3), 1009-1020.

Hung, D., Lim S.H., Jamaludin, A.B. (2011). Social constructivism, Projective identity, and Learning: Case Study of Nathan. Asia Pacific Educa tion Review, 12(2), 161-171.

Hung, D., Ng, P. T., Koh, T. S. & Lim, S. H. (2009). The social practice of learning: a craft for the 21st century. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 205-214.

Hung, D., Lim, K., Chen, D. & Koh, T.S. (2008). Leveraging Online Communities in Fostering Ad aptive Schools. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3, 373-386.

Hung, D. & Chen, D-T (2008). Learning within the Worlds of Reifications, Selves, and Phenomena: Expanding on the Thinking of Vygotsky and Popper. Learning Inquiry, 2, 73-94.

Lim, W. Y. Lee, Y. J. Hung, D. (2008). "A prophet never accepted by their own town": A teacher's learning trajectory when using technology. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 215-227.

Hung, W. L. & Chen, D. (2007). Context-process authenticity in learning: Implications for identity enculturat ion.. Educational Technology Research & Development, 55, 147-167.
