
Dr Peter Sen Kee SEOW

Co-Principal Investigator

Dr Peter Seow is a Lecturer/Research Scientist in the Office of Education Research in NIE. With his computer science background, he has been studying how students can develop Computational Thinking competencies though physical computing such as the micro:bit boards and unplugged approaches to develop computing concepts. He is deeply involved in the design of constructionist approaches such as tinkering where students can develop concepts and knowledge through creating physical and virtual artefacts that can be iteratively reflected, revised and improved to be shared with others. Not only is he interested in how students develop science concepts through tinkering activities but also their social-emotional competencies such as self-efficacy, resilience and social development.

Singapore - NTU



Research Interest

- Computing Education and Computational Thinking
- Constructionism
- Tinkering in Education
- Social-Emotional Learning

Key Publications

Google Scholar Link

Looi, C.K., Seow, P., Zhang, B.H., So, H.J., Chen, W., Wong, L.H. (2010). Leveraging mobile technology for sustainable seamless learning: A research agenda, British Journal of Education Technology, 41(2) 154-169,

Looi, C.K., Wong, S.H., HJ So, P Seow, Y Toh, W Chen, B Zhang, C Norris, & Soloway, E. (2009). Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning my way, Computers & Education, 53(4) 1120-1132,

CK Looi, B Zhang, W Chen, P Seow, G Chia, C Norris, E Soloway. (2011). 1:1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary science students: A study of learning effectiveness, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27 (3), 269-287,

I Boticki, J Baksa, P Seow, CK Looi. (2015). Usage of a mobile social learning platform with virtual badges in a primary school, Computers & Education 86, 120-136,
