A CARES publication on blockchain technology has received a Highly Cited Paper award from the journal Applied Energy. The publication, titled ‘Blockchain technology in the chemical industry: machine-to-machine electricity market’ was written by former CARES PhD student Janusz Sikorski, along with CARES members Joy Haughton and Markus Kraft.

The award has been announced on the Applied Energy website and was also presented during the ICEA 11th Conference on Applied Energy in Sweden last week.

The award certificate from Applied Energy


The paper shows how implementing blockchain technology can assist with the establishment and facilitation of an effective machine-to-machine electricity market. It also gives an overview of the how blockchain technology can be beneficially applied to Industry 4.0, which comprises smart factories, automation and wireless data exchange.

The paper’s graphical abstract


This work is part of CARES’ wider focus on optimising eco-industrial parks – the J-Park Simulator project.

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